Jason (Ryan Thomas) is slowly coming round to the responsibility of being Holly's dad and is more relaxed with the idea. Eileen’s (Sue Cleaver) careful not to pressure him, choosing not to tell him about the imminent visit from the social worker. She is genuinely touched by the way Jason is beginning to act around Holly (Amy/Emily Walton) and his new found enthusiasm for work. Jason arrives home from the pub as the social worker is leaving; he is disappointed Eileen didn’t tell him about the visit. Jason comes across as a doting parent to the social worker. He is aware of his parental responsibilities more than ever and offers to baby-sit Holly while Eileen get's out of the house. The two share a moment as the content Holly looks up at Jason giving a bright smile that even Jason finds hard not to reciprocate.Over at the Peacocks', Claire’s (Julia Haworth) feeling uplifted when she meets Casey (Zoe Henry), a girl she has been counselling through the voluntary phone service she works for. After a distressed call from Casey in the morning Claire agrees to meet her, despite it being against the rules. Ashley (Steven Arnold) is unsure that Claire has made the right decision, but trusts Claire's judgement this time.Casey has been struggling since the death of her baby but a sympathetic Claire agrees to make her own rules just this once. Claire does what she can to help Casey and it’s clear the voluntary work is benefiting her too, but is she telling Ashley the truth about her and Casey's meetings? Sonny (Pal Aron) invites Michelle (Kym Ryder) to a special lunch, he tells her he has something to talk about. Michelle is afraid that Sonny wants to dump her but Sonny tells Michelle it's actually the complete opposite! Sean (Antony Cotton) still confused about where he stands with Sonny and feels uneasy about the lunch date. Steve on the other hand is confidently revelling in thoughts that Sonny is actually about to dump Michelle. Sean is uplifted by Steve's (Simon Gregson) comments but Michelle laughs this off as jealousy. Over at the factory the girls blank Kelly (Tupele Dorgu), feeling her cheap work for Carla (Alison King) weakens their positions.

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